
15 Small Business Cyber Security Statistics That You Need to Know

What Qualifies as a Small businesses (SMB)?

    • small businesses as those that have fewer than 1,000 employees
    • The cyber security company VIPRE categorizes small businesses as those that have 1-500 employees.
    • Alliance Cybersecurity’s data includes companies that have 500 or fewer employees as well

Top Small Business Cyber Security Statistics to Know

  • 43% of All Data Breaches Target SMBs
  • There Was a 424% Increase in Authentic and New Breaches of Small Businesses in 2018
  • 83% of SMBs Lack the Funds to Deal with the Repercussions of a Cyber Attack
  • The Average Cyber Attack Carries a Price Tag of Nearly $3 Million
  • SMBs Experience 8+ Hours of Downtime During a Breach
  • 1 in 323 Emails to Small Businesses are Malicious
  • 60% of SMBs Cite Employee Negligence as Cause of Data Breaches
  • 54% of SMBs Believe Their Companies are “Too Small” to Be Ransomware Targets
  • 77% of SMBs Anticipate Outsourcing Cyber Security
  • 62% of SMBs Lack the In-House Skills to Handle Cyber Security
  • Small Businesses Invest Less Than $500 Per Year in Cyber Security Products
  • 55% of Small Businesses Cite Resources and Knowledge as Challenges to Cyber Security Planning
  • Cyber Attacks Due to Weak or Stolen Employee Passwords Average $383,365
  • 68% of Small Businesses Don’t Have Disaster Recovery in Mind
